Gallery News
The Subtle Alchemist by Carolyn Dodds. From the Gallery Collection.

New sculpture group in Weeroona Park
The WEEROONA sculpture group celebrates the use of Weeroona Park as a meeting point for a diversity of community groups. These include youth week concerts, Apple and Grape Multicultural Festival, art events for all ages, indigenous activities including NAIDOC week, ‘Joyous Under Eights’ activities, band practice and performances. In view of the above, WEEROONA is designed to evoke an appropriate complementary, celebratory/festive atmosphere consistent with the park’s use.

28 Days of Art - Celebrating the reopening of the Gallery - Week 1
Over the next month, we'll be sharing stories and images of art to celebrate our reopening. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook or our blog for updates.
Training for reopening
So finally, the Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery (SRAG) is opening after 74 days of closure. On Tuesday, the 9th of June at 10 am we will open the doors. We have just finished the first return to the gallery induction workshop for our wonderful volunteers.

Gallery to reopen Tuesday 9 June
We reopen the Gallery at 10am Tuesday 9 June, with social distancing guidelines, training and procedures in place.

Local artist selected for Gallery reopening
A local artist who didn’t touch a paintbrush for 43 years and began painting seriously only five years ago, has been selected to exhibit her works at the Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery when it reopens after COVID-19 in June.

Art Responses
These are some of the responses we’ve had to our art challenges.

Weekly Art Challenge: 27 April - 1 May
Weekly art challenges.

Weekly Art Challenge: 20-24 April
Art challenges for the week 20-24 April.

More daily art challenge submissions
We love seeing all the responses to our daily art challenges.

Weekly Art Challenge: 13-17 April
Daily art challenges to get your creative juices flowing.

Quest completed: daily art challenges
Some of the community contributions to our daily art challenges.

Little Theatre daily challenges
Are you at home, busting to be creative but have no appreciative audience to be able to express your creativity with? Fear not gentle hearts, Stanthorpe Little Theatre 'gets you' and is ready to launch an exciting daily theatrical challenge; starting Monday, 13th of April.

Weekly Art Challenge: 6-10 April
Weekly art challenges for all ages. Join the fun!

Video message from our Director, Mary Findlay
Our Director, Mary Findlay, sends a message out to our community.

Due to the current COVID-19 epidemic, we are closing the Gallery until further notice.

New Street Art in Weeroona Park
Thanks to Zookeeper and Drapl for our newest Stanthorpe street art in Weeroona Park, on the old ambulance building.

Autumn Program
Our Autumn 2020 Program is now available.

Seeking local artists to participate in LAF Out Loud - Local Art Fest
Artists residing within 100km of Stanthorpe are invited to submit up to two works for this exhibition.

Book review: Frederick McCubbin, The Man and His Art.
Did you know that we have an art book collection in the Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery? It is located on the mezzanine floor of the gallery.

Opening Night: Rhonda Armistead: Standing Still; Gayle Shaw: Seasons; Janne Chew: Resonating Reflections
Opening night for our new exhibitions tonight - Friday 10 January 6pm. Free entry, but please RSVP to for catering purposes.