Lino printing can be taken in a number of directions depending on the way the lino block is cut. We will be experimenting with using black line printing also called key block printing which allows changes during the carving and printing process and for introducing colour in several ways. This will include printing on paper suitable for hand colouring, over printing on patterned and found papers such as maps and decorative papers, and cutting sections from prints to mount collage papers behind the print which gives an easy multicoloured print.
Cost: $75 per student. RSVP to
All printing materials supplied.
Students need to bring: an apron or dirt shirt, an image or photograph you would like to work from. If you are allergic to latex, bring own gloves.
Liz Powell – “Waratah Summer”
Hand coloured key block print using watercolour and collage background
30cm x 15 cm
Liz Powell - “In the Latitudes of the Winter Moon”
Lino print over mixed media
50cm x 50
Liz Powell – “Raylee’s Bees”
Hand coloured lino print using a key block print and gouache
30cm x 30cm