Photo by Lucas Marcomini on Unsplash
Our annual Youth Art Prize sponsored by Crisps will be held again this August-September. The theme for this year is Art in Space. All ages up to 18 are encouraged to enter.
Prizes For All Year Levels
Deliver entries to the gallery Mon 12, Tues 13, Wed 14, Thurs 15, Fri 16 August 8.30 am – 4.30 pm
07 4681 1874 |
Art in Space: It is the 50th anniversary of Man walking on the Moon on the 19 July 2019.
Information and ideas about the theme:
Both Space has all the delights of mystery and fact: Space has been revered for thousands of years and in the last century we have begun to understand and have knowledge about the vast expanse that we see especially at night and on high plateaus such as the Granite belt. This theme has the opportunity to use your imagination and think about what is beyond earth in the universe that we are part of. Most importantly in the CRISP’s Art Prize have fun and be creative in revealing the connection between Art and Space.
Opening Night and Prize Giving: Thursday 12 September @ 5.30 pm
5.30pm- Kindy –Year 2
5.45 pm - Year three – Year 6
6.00-7pm - Year 7-12
Pick-up work from Gallery
Mon 30 Sept, Tues 1, Wed 2 , Thurs 3 - October. It is very important that works have to be collected on these days as we have an exhibition that needs to be installed in the Gallery. Last year we had a number of schools who collected their works promptly – Thanks! If you can’t make it on these days please contact the gallery on 4681 1874 to organise another time for pick up.
In the event of any of the entries receiving an award there is an opportunity to exhibit at the Stanthorpe Show free of charge. You will be given a free entry as part of your Prize. The Agricultural Society: Fine Arts will store your work until the Show . If you don’t want to be a part of the show please let us know
Contact Person
Mary Findlay, Director Stanthorpe Art Gallery Email or ph. 4681 1874
Almost any type of light themed art is acceptable; this includes paintings, photographs & mixed media.
Judges will be asked to assess the quality, rigor and creative engagement with the environment that our students work and live in.
Creativity and Originality:
original concept
design creativity
creativity with materials used.
Quality of the Art Piece:
quality of composition and technique
control of the medium, quality of the colours and balance between colours and design.
Clarity of Theme:
how well the theme is represented
is the theme easy to be understood by others?
display of art work.
is the piece of art inspirational?
The Gallery hanging system requires that each piece must be capable of hanging from the two top corners without folding. This requirement applies to all works both individual and collaborative.
Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery will judge the 1st, 2nd and 3rd for each grade (Prep – Grade 6)
Guidelines for Participating Schools & individuals
Preferably 2 dimensional work: for example an A3 size with holes in each corner
One work per student
Two dimensional works must be on stiff card suitable for hanging using the gallery hanging system per details below
The pieces may to be up to 500cm X 500cm in size but preferably A3 size
The Gallery hanging system requires that each piece must be capable of hanging from the two top corners without folding and from the two bottom corners
Important: Each artwork entered should be labelled with the following information:
Label can be supplied (and will be sent to schools) and needs to be on the left hand side at the bottom of the work and need to include:
Crisps Art Expo 2019