Opening Night: Rhonda Armistead: Standing Still; Gayle Shaw: Seasons; Janne Chew: Resonating Reflections
Opening night for our new exhibitions tonight - Friday 10 January 6pm. Free entry, but please RSVP to for catering purposes.
Join us to welcome these three artists and their beautiful works to the Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery
Rhonda Armistead: Standing Still
Come on a 2000km journey along the backroads and highways to discover the lost, abandoned and still standing old buildings and sheds in a series of paintings and drypoint engravings by Rhonda Armistead
Gayle Shaw: Seasons
Gayle’s interests lie in the natural environment which brings personal enjoyment and satisfaction. Nature and the surrounding splendour are the inspiration for this artist. Her feelings of wonder are expressed in the colourful glass objects through both simple and complex designs with the aim to evoke feelings of peace and resonate with the landscape.
Janne Chew: Resonating Reflections
Janne Chew examines a variety of disciplines: Resin on glass and resin on wood makes up a substantial section of the work that explores the freedom of the medium and vibrant colour. To add to this vivid and fluid effect are a section of alcohol inks. Alongside the work in resin are a selection of acrylics on canvas, watercolour and pastel art.